3D Slicer: An Extension for Brain Tumor Segmentaion.

Jun 9, 2023
This is my demo app for my graduate thesis of topic: “Brain Tumor Detection by Deep Learning”


In my graduate thesis we was proposed 2 methode for 3D Brain Tumor Segmentation(BTS) problem.
  • 3D Dual-Domain Attention Network: We was develop a module using Attention Mechanism can combine 2 level information of the feature… Read more
  • 3D Dual-Fusion Attention Network: We introduce a new way of fusion 2 trained model for BTS. Using fusion method, Self-Attention and Residual Learning. Read more

Demo Application

My app is an Extension of 3D Slicer. So you need to installed this app first. You also need all of trained models to using in my extention. Download here.

How to install.

  1. Clone this repository.
    1. Import independent python module
        • Open Python Console
    1. Add trained module into Extension.
        • Copy the path of the trained folder
        • Replace the path at the “trained_path” variable in the file TumorSeg.py
          • notion image
    1. Import module:
        • Modules —> Developer Tools —> Extension Wizard
        • Select Extension —> Choose clone folder —> Open
    Now you can see my Extension in Module list
    notion image

    How to use:

    Video preview

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    Authorized by Sho0
    Update 05/11/23
    Feel free to contact me here if you have any questions

    © Hoang Son-Vo Thanh 2022 - 2024